The Bridge | Page 18

The XVIII century was also characterized by the presence of the 'Ferriera'. What is the 'Ferriera? Can you describe the Mills of the XVIII century? The mills 'Ferriera' and 'Falco' are made up of tuff and wood. They have a very simple structure. The canals connecting the mills, constitute a symbolic value since they are the evidence of the traditional building Are there any problems with this territory today? And what about solutions? Thank you for this interview. I hope to come and visit your town as soon as possible. Yes, there are. Pollution of rivers first of all and also the presence of a lot of concrete structures ruining the landscape. Today it is a monument but in the past it was used as a factory for the Washtubs, fountains, Mills and the 'Ferriera' are being restored and recovered by the government. Moreover the aim is to create a sustainable economy to promote landscape and tourism. production of weapons and was, later on, transformed into a mill that used the waters of the stream Riello. techniques .