The Bridge INTELLECTUAL RESULT IO 16 (8) | Page 19
Al-Jbeha Secondary School for girls,
Amman, Jordan
- IIS Carlo Urbani –
Sede Acilia Berlinguer, Rome, Italy
Osnovna šola Pivka,
THE ROUND TABLE (2006 – 2007)
As stated by Antonio Giunta La Spada from the Directorate for International Affairs of
the Italian Ministry of Education, MedTwnning was launched as an 'eBridge to the
Mediterranean, to promote exchanges and intercultural initiatives in the region of the
Mediterranean, in the field of education and development.' This enabled schools to
expand beyond European borders towards Mediterranian countries in their search for
new challenges in international collaboration. Using the subject of food and cuisine
traditions The Round Table project increased the students' awareness of European
citizenship and the importance of cultural exchanges in Europe and with the
Mediterranean country, Jordan. It involved enhancing knowledge of the heritages of
each partner country, consolidating the vehicular language, giving particular stress to
the importance of tolerance in group work and methods of collaboration in achieving
the set objectives. The partners’ intention to succeed in establishing successful
relationships among teachers and students, became a reality. Final Products included
class exhibitions, language exchanges through forums and emails, the exchange of
recipes and practical work on partner countries’ cuisines as well as the exchange and
exhibit of culture boxes full of artifacts depicting the culture and life of each country.
Recipient of the Recognition certificate as an example of good practice from the Italian
Ministry of Education 2008