The Technological Process
1- The following paragraphs explain the different stages of the technological process. Identify the
phase described in each one. Then cut them out and paste them in order in your notebook.
Now, we must divide up the work so that each person or pair has a role to play. We should make a
timetable, get the materials and tools and prepare everything we need to create our design.
In order to solve a problem, you need to clearly address what the problem is. Identifying the problem
is essential to finding possible solutions. However, you must remember that with the passing of time,
technology advances and new solutions are created, so the best solution today might not be the best
solution in the future.
The last step is to check whether the constructed object solves our original problem. We must take
several issues into account:
Appearance: You must try to make your technological object attractive.
Operation: Is it easy to use? Does it do what we wanted it to do?
Materials: Are they recyclable? Could you change some materials for cheaper ones?
Durability: How long can it last? Does it break easily?
Maintenance: How many operations will you have to do every season?
Security: Is it dangerous? Are there flammable or poisonous parts?
Finally, remember that the phases of the technological process are not always the same. When you
install your object, unexpected problems often arise and so you will have to think of new solutions as
you go along.
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In this phase, our ideas are turned into a real object. To do this, we must use the different techniques
that we have learned. With tools, (scissors, wood saw, hammer…), we create the different parts of our
design, according to the sketch. Finally, we mount the object.