The Books of the Bible The Prophets for Kids | Page 3

8   Day 1  •  Gen es i s, pa rt 1 God c ­ alled the dry g ­ round “land.” He ­called all the wa­ter that was gath­ered to­geth­er “seas.” And God saw that it was good. Then God said, “Let the land pro­duce ­plants. Let them pro­duce their own ­seeds. And let t ­ here be t ­ rees on the land that grow ­fruit with ­seeds in it. Let each kind of p ­ lant or tree have its own kind of seeds.” And ­that’s ex­act­ly what hap­pened. So the land pro­duced plants. Each kind of p ­ lant had its own kind of s ­ eeds. And the land pro­duced t ­ rees that grew ­fruit with s ­ eeds in it. Each kind of tree had its own kind of s ­ eeds. God saw that it was good. T ­ here was eve­ning, and ­there was morn­ing. It was day ­three. God said, “Let t ­ here be l ­ ights in the huge s ­ pace of the sky. Let them sep­a r ­ ate the day from the ­night. Let the ­lights set the ­times for the holy cel­e b ­ ra­tions and the days and the ­years. Let them be lights in the huge ­space of the sky to give ­light on the ­earth.” And that’s ex­act­ly what hap­pened. God made two g ­ reat ­lights. He made the larg­er ­light to rule over the day and the small­er ­light to rule over the ­night. He also made the ­stars. God put the ­lights in the huge ­space of the sky to give l ­ ight on the e ­ arth. He put them t ­ here to rule over the day and the ­night. He put them ­there to sep­a­rate light from dark­ness. God saw that it was good. ­There was eve­ning, and ­there was morn­ing. It was day four. God said, “Let the seas be ­filled with liv­ing ­things. Let ­birds fly a ­ bove the e ­ arth a ­ cross the huge s ­ pace of the sky.” So God cre­at­ed the ­great sea crea­tures. He cre­at­ed ev­ery kind of liv­ing ­thing that fills the seas and ­moves ­about in them. He cre­at­ed ev­ery kind of bird that f ­ lies. And God saw that it was good. God b ­ lessed them. He said, “Have lit­tle ones so that t ­ here will be many of you. Fill the wa­ter in the seas. Let t ­ here be more and more b ­ irds on the e ­ arth.” There was eve­ning, and t ­ here was morn­ing. It was day five. God said, “Let the land pro­duce ev­ery kind of liv­ing crea­ture. Let t ­ here be live­stock, and crea­tures that move a ­ long the ­ground, and wild an­i­mals.” And ­that’s ex­act­ly what hap­pened. God made ev­ery kind of wild an­i­mal. He made ev­ery kind of live­stock. He made ev­ery kind of crea­ture that ­moves ­along the ­ground. And God saw that it was good.