The Books of the Bible Kid's Curriculum - Later Elementary | Page 8
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Lesson 1: Jesus is Born!
Bible Basis: Luke 1:26–35; 2:1–7, found in The Books of the Bible for Kids, New Testament, pages 8-9
Key Verse: Luke 2:11 (NIrV): “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you. He is the Messiah,
the Lord.”
Key Idea: God sent his Son, Jesus, as our Savior.
How to Use This Page
This week, your family can read the Bible Basis passage from pages 8-9 of The Books of the Bible for Kids, New
Testament to help your child remember the lesson. Use the Table Talk questions to start a discussion around the
dinner table, while driving in the car, or just about anywhere. The Living Faith activity is designed to remind your
child of the Bible lesson through a drama or other engaging activity. The Extra Mile idea provides interactive ways
for your child to connect with the story.
Table Talk
1. What was so special about the birth of Jesus?
2. What do you think people long ago expected the Savior to be like?
3. Why do we give gifts on Christmas?
4. How can we focus more on Jesus next Christmas?
Living Faith
Option 1
Recruit some younger actors to stage a live play of Jesus’ birth. As the director and stage manager, your job will
be to assign roles; come up with scenery, costumes, and props; help with dialogue; and run a rehearsal. When
your play is in good shape, invite parents and friends to watch.
Option 2
Write your own Christmas song about the birth of Jesus. Borrow the music from a song you like and change the
lyrics to tell the good news! You might be able to find an online version of the music (without vocals) that you can
use to perform or record yourself singing over.
Later Elementary: Lesson 1
New Testament: Jesus Is Born