first, but then the chair began to move about on the floor. As
Bardala and Viviana watched, the chair and Jonathan moved
slowly upward.
“I’m doing it!” shouted Tital.
“Oh yeah!” shouted Jonathan, now totally impressed, being
the passenger in the chair.
“Of course you are. All of you can do that with practice. And
you can do more, much, much more. Soon, it will not matter as
to the size of the object you try to move. All you will need to do
is to think, and it will happen.” Huracán told them.
“Hey! Put me down, Tital!” said the floating Jonathan.
“Ooops! I forgot for a moment,” said the now excited new
levitator Tital.
When Jonathan and his chair finally came back down,
Huracán said, “Let me explain something to all of you before we
go any further. Do you remember the green light you saw when
your family was first attacked?”
They all replied, “Yes.”
“When the two evil demons attacked you before you got to
this pyramid, it was a continuation of that first attack. Zotz,
whom you knew as Pancho, was instructed to guard you, as you
are the chosen ones. The best that he could do by himself at that
time was to get you all to safety. He could not stay to help your
parents, as your welfare had to come first. Do you understand
his actions now, Tital?” explained Huracán.
“Yes sir,” replied Tital, “and I apologize for what I have said
about Zotz. I did not know those demons were the ones that had
hurt the parents.”
Huracán said, “That is understandable, Tital, as you did not
witness the attack of the demons. All is well now. I now have