The Black Napkin Volume 1 Issue 6 | Page 32



In Alphabetical Order:

Devon Balwit is a poet and educator working in Portland, OR. Every morning, she uses the height of her dog's leaps as an oracle to gauge her fortunes for the day, then writes and writes--hoping to produce a thing of beauty (or at least, of interest). Her work can be found in many places, among them The Journal of Applied Poetics, Rattle, Anti-Heroin Chic, Rat's Ass Review, txtobjx, madswirl, and Red Paint Hill.

Cynthia Blank received her MFA in Poetry from Bar Ilan University's Shaindy Rudoff Creative Writing Graduate Program. She has been published in numerous literary magazines and journals, including Generations Literary Magazine, Lilith Magazine, The Minetta Review, Agave Magazine, and Scapegoat Review.

Jenna Danoy is a writer and freelance editor from New York. By day, she teaches creative writing to children and young adults at Writopia Lab, and by night she pretends she is the third star in Orion's Belt. Her short fiction, nonfiction, and plays can be found in Concrete Literary, GAUGE, and THREAD magazines. She can be found on Twitter @jenna_danoy.

Mariel Fechik is a recent graduate from the University of Illinois. She is currently serving as a member of AmeriCorps. She is a musician and a writer. Over the past summer, she participated in the Winter Tangerine Review Writer's Workshop. Her work has appeared in The Stardust Gazette, Montage Journal, and Phosphene Literary Journal. .

Howie Good, a journalism professor at the State University of New York at New Paltz, is the author of Dangerous Acts Starring Unstable Elements, winner of the 2015 Press Americana Prize for Poetry. He co-edits White Knuckle Press with Dale Wisely.

Marguerite Harrold is a Chicagoan. She works in Public Health. She is also a Naturalist. What she’s learned in over 20 years of doing HIV Prevention work is that people are complicated and compassion goes a long way toward accepting our collective humanity, including the mess-ups. Nature and Poetry helps her sort through it all.