The Black Napkin Volume 1 Issue 6 | Page 31


Black Napkin Press was founded on the principle of powerful poetry that explodes out of its writer, poetry that demands to be written. We want your weird, we want your provocative, we want the poems that you need in the world. While each of the editors has their own specific tastes, we like poetry that forces a reader to feel, poetry that punches you in the heart and leaves you with the taste of blood on your teeth.

How to Submit

To submit to Black Napkin Press, please email us at blacknapkinpress(at)gmail(dot)com. We will be updating our website weekly or as new content is accepted. Submit 2-6 poems in any style. Please send all poems in a single file (.doc, .docx, .pdf). Do not include any identifying information in the body of the document. Title your email with your last name, followed by “poetry submission.”

Please include a personal bio of no more than fifty words, written in the third person in the body of your email. You may also send links to your Facebook page and website to help fans better find you from your published works. We will be sharing published poems through our blog as well as through the Black Napkin Press Facebook page.

Black Napkin will happily consider simultaneous submissions, but please notify us immediately by email if your work is accepted elsewhere.

We will consider found or erasure poetry submissions, provided the poems meet the standard of “significant imaginative or intellectual transformation” laid out in the Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Poetry.

Black Napkin does not publish work that is sexist, racist, classist, transphobic, homophobic, or in any other way bigoted. We are also not interested in work that includes excess sexuality or gore unless it serves some greater purpose in the piece.