The Bite 1 | Page 15

DE: - What advice do you have for the new members of the team?

SB: Play like you always do, don't get frustrated over little things, have fun, every point matters, and the most important remember that you are playing for a team and not to show off.

CDP: My advice for the new members is to go to all practices, try your best at every practice, and to listen to the coaches when they explain the basic skills.

In the JV tournament, the Sharks won two medals: the gold medal for JV Boys and the silver medal for JV Girls. IAA is proud of the achievements that the JVs teams get, it shows the interest and effort that every student gives for their school.

The varsity team travelleted to Quito and also had an outstanding performance. The girls played some tough games and returned home with the bronze medal, while the boys had even tougher competition and placed fifth.