The Best of Realty411 2025 - Top Articles from Past Editions | Page 18

A , B , C , D , and Time Off are subsets of the time management systems . Time effectiveness may vary according to our motivation , regimen , objectives , tenacity , and use of strategic leverage . Leverage comes from delegating to others .
“ A­Time ” is the most valuable time spent . A­Time is face­to­face or oneon­one communication with our targeted buyer or seller . The communication may be in person , by phone , or by email but must expressly reflect “ a request ” that the party or prospective buyer / seller wants to work with us or buy our products , goods , or services .
I suggest that average salespersons do not apply 10 % of their workday in an A­ Time mode . They should strive to spend 60 % to 80 % of their available time in an A­Time mode and delegate everything else .
“ B­Time ” is the time spent preparing ( preparation time ) to transition into A­ Time . A phone call request , a letter request , or an email request is probably involved . B­Time may constitute 30 % of one ’ s daily schedule . Push our time into A­Time and delegate B­Time to another .
Examples :
• Preparation time .
• Draft a letter , email , text , or phone call to request an appointment for a face­to­face meeting with the prospect .
• A­time does not begin until the customer or lead is in front of you or on the phone .
“ C­Time ” is for administrative activities with no specific defined results . However , it does have value in driving our business forward . C­Time most likely consumes 50 % to 80 % of our workday . The key is to delegate C­Time to support staff — employees or independent contractors — to shift our resources to the most effective use of our time .
Examples :
• Once we consummate the transaction , all other follow­up activities to drive the process forward fall under C­Time .
• Record keeping and regulatory compliance activities are C­Time .
• Developing and maintaining marketing systems , including updating the database .
• Office organization and administrative duties activities are C­Time .
• Interactions with staff and co­workers .
• Interface with third­party vendors such as escrow , title , appraisal , environmental engineers , and property­related insurance companies .
• All general activities required to maintain our business enterprise but not directly attached to closing a transaction are “ C­Time .”
• Industry educational events .
“ D­Time ” is the catch­all of activities that produce no results and have little value ; in other words , wasted time . These activities may consume a large portion of our day . D­ time differs from time off or away from our business or money­making activities .
Examples :
• Reading news and conversations with friends and family . ( Some may argue
that conversations with friends and family are not “ wasted time .”)
• Maintain social media such as LinkedIn , Facebook , Snapchat , and Twitter .
• Casual conversations with employees and staff not related to business .
• Industry meets and greets — cocktails with the boys or girls .
Time off :
Time off is not D ­Time but is time away from work­related emotional pressure and clutter .
Everyone should take the time to recharge their ( mental , emotional , and physical ) batteries . Any semblance of work pressures should be avoided , including turning off the phone and computer . Avoid burnout by scheduling focused blocks away from anything related to work — hopefully , full days , unencumbered and away from the business environment altogether .