The Best of Realty411 2025 - Top Articles from Past Editions | Page 16

A suggested action­filled daily work schedule .
Start time : 9 am to 4:30 pm­ Monday through Friday .
Maximum performance may require additional hours , some evenings and weekends . Prolonged physical and mental effort requires breaks for physical and psychological sustainability . And one should take occasional breaks away from all the everyday stresses . Daily
walks in the sunshine will work wonders for energy , focus , and stamina . Walk a dog or call a friend while “ frolicking in the “ forest .”
Many believe that input of effort and output of results create equal corresponding or equal results . In other words , input and output correspond . The common assumption by many is to expect the same results from each hour of active work . Suppose you are an hourly wage earner at a fast­food establishment . That ’ s how it works­ but technology has changed that . But that is not how success works in most profitmaking enterprises . Input and output rarely correspond . The results created from efforts may be leveraged by gaining additional knowledge and proper technical tools so that creation and production are geometrically higher . Identify those tools .
Wow , this worked ; I bet I can do better ! We cannot motivate individuals to achieve . They must develop and internalize the desire and motivation on their own . Sometimes , learning to improve becomes a passion through modified and leveraging processes . Repeated successes always bring confidence .
Thousands of brilliant individuals could achieve more if motivated and their time management and daily action habits changed .
The success of one ’ s action plan varies depending on one ’ s circumstances and stated goals . The preacher , teacher , psychologist , company manager , supervisor , clerk , bookkeeper , accountant , a prisoner in a confined environment , or salesperson relying on commissions have different success priorities . What is most valuable in a time segment for these folks will differ . Each person should construct a platform and assess each minute ’ s importance , time spent , and results received .
Historical references in explaining why focusing on the most productive actions multiplies the results :
Economists and philosophers have written about the concept known as the 80 / 20 rule for centuries .
• Jean­Baptiste Say ( 1767­1832 ) was a French economist who first coined the word entrepreneur .
“ The entrepreneur shifts economic resources out of the lower area and into an area of higher productivity and greater yield .”
• In 1896 , an Italian economist and sociologist , Vilfredo Pareto , developed the 80 / 20 rule .
“ In any series of elements to be controlled , a selected small fraction of the number of elements always accounts for a large fraction in terms of effect .” “ The Pareto Principle .” was born .
• In 1949 , George Zipf , a Philosophy professor at Harvard University , stated :
“ The input of resources ( people , goods , time , and skills ) tends to arrange themselves so that a small portion of resources ( 20 % to 30 %) account for a larger corresponding output ( 70 % to 80 %) of results .”
• In 1951 , Joseph Moses Juran , a management consultant and significant contributor to the quality control revolution , wrote the “ Quality Control Handbook .” He renamed the “ Pareto Principle ,” “ Rule of the Vital Few ” and the “ Rule of the Trivial Many .”
• In 1957 , C . Northcote Parkinson wrote two books , “ Parkinson ’ s Law ” and “ The Law and the Profits .” His first law was :
“ Work will expand to fill the time available for its completion .”