Motivation to produce many closed loan transactions to satisfy customers , employers , and oneself is necessary to earn commissions and sustain a decent standard of living for one ’ s family . It ’ s important to remember that while professional success is crucial , maintaining a healthy worklife balance is equally significant . This balance ensures that we succeed in our careers and personal lives , providing a sense of reassurance and support .
Resources designed to magnify the value of time effectiveness have become a combination of motivation and technologydriven , including software programs , online databases , and sufficient hardware . These resources are tools and our support systems on the journey toward success . There are more brilliant programs than anyone would ever dream possible . The same applies to implementation , training , and daily execution . Learning to perform well with a horse and a saddle still requires good training and daily practice . With these resources , we are empowered and equipped to take control of our success .
Structured planning breeds individualism , personal happiness , and sovereignty , improving civil society for future generations . Success also serves as an example for friends , associates , kids , and family . It is a great motivator and the best revenge for those who doubt us . It ’ s about achieving financial success and finding personal happiness and sovereignty in our journey , inspiring those around us , and contributing to a better future . activities , prioritizes their importance , and schedules each personal and professional goal . For example , a loan agent who solicits prospective borrowers for financing — usually a loan secured by real property — should have a preplanned written daily action plan and outbound call system with a weekly activity schedule . Following this plan can bring a
sense of accomplishment and keep you motivated .
The loan agent or other salesperson has multiple tasks :
• Identify a qualified lead .
• Pursue getting an appointment .
• Make a sales presentation .
• Explain the benefits .
• Answer questions .
• Handle the objections .
• Ask for the order ( closing )
• Close the transaction .
• Or repeat 2 through 6 again .
Suggestions for creating an action plan .
• Define your ' universe of possibilities , ' which is the total of all potential leads combined in your network and the other professionals , such as real estate agents , financial advisors , and attorneys , who correspondingly have their network . This number represents the maximum potential leads you can tap into and is crucial for setting realistic sales targets .
• How many prospects can I manage to contact daily and weekly ?
• How frequently should I follow up with prospects ? Is the answer 30 , 60 , 90 , or more days ?
• Do I have a written script for verbal conversations and email marketing ? ( The language ‘ script ’ may be formal or informal based on your product , personality , and past relationship with the person ).
A platform for change :
A written action plan is not just a piece of paper . It ’ s a practical roadmap to our success . It contains a daily list of