The Benefits of a Light Heart The Benefits of a Light Heart | Page 16

Prudence R . Millear
About the Authors of the Index
The Cat is an elegant creature , who can sleep upside down and still look cool and stylish . Professor Hilary Doodlebug graces the presence of a dear minion who works in psychology . She has ensured that the minion has been treating herself with humour for much of her life . Some would even say she and the minion are hopelessly optimistic , but is that such a bad thing ??
‘ Dearest Hilary ’, minion says , ‘ come sit with me and share your thoughts ’. ‘ Of course ’, I reply , ‘ how may I solve the Problems of the World that Trouble you so ?’
Will soft fur and a loud purr reassure you and calm your fears and tensions ? Let the kneading of paws and warm weight of the cat in your lap reveal One of Life ’ s Truths . When a Cat decides you are worthy of adoration , you are a fortunate person .
Cat wisdom is that simple . Look after your loved ones , be kind , and be firm . Repeat as often as required . As you do .
Dear Minion has a spilt personality : she is a Cat Person ( obviously and mostly ) but also a Dog Person ( also mostly ). Her early life was managed by Mamma Puss and she was well trained by this Admirable and Fecund Feline , and by Tiddlywinks , Hilary , and Catbury , her Cats from then on . She got her first dogs at nine and the three rascally pups , called Miki , Moto and Pearl , defied all training and control and caused much annoyance for the Young Minion . Obviously , Dog Handling was harder than it looked to the untrained eye .
Her life has been enriched by many dogs , from Peg , the determined corgi , to Mickey , a Jack Russell with an unusually calm nature , all the other corgis , red kelpies , border collies and fox terriers in between , and the many other dogs that have belonged to family and friends . Although she is between dogs , the kind people in her