The Benefits of a Light Heart The Benefits of a Light Heart | Page 15

The Benefits of a Light Heart

Chapter One : The Barking Dog Index

Thank you minion , you can leave this to me and Felix now !
Welcome to a light-hearted view of problems and how a little humour can help your day ! Now humour won ’ t solve your problems , but it may provide an alternative view that leads to a solution or makes difficult situations bearable . Humour brings us together and cheers us up , but it is never a way to be ‘ funny ’ in a mean or nasty way .
When you look at these Barking Dogs , remember they are not your lovely Pooch , but are that other really annoying dog that woofs loudly , repeatedly , or menacingly in the distance . They may even be the Dog that scared the whatevers out of you ! You know the ones that bark as you walk past that house , growl as you try to sneak by them , or just glare at you .
Annoying and scary dogs come in all different sizes , just like Life ’ s Problems . The Barking Dog Index is a fun and frivolous way to view the inevitable clash of ideas between people in such a way that it stops you from saying something that is hard to take back , may get you fired , or could damage an important relationship .
So , what do you reckon you ’ ve got ? Is it a snappy little Corgi or something more serious , like a Foxie or a Blue Heeler ? This exploration of Barking Dogs all started with an attack of the Hounds of Hell , which the minion later admitted came from putting A Pup in the Too Hard Basket where it grew unattended and exploded in somewhat spectacular style . Silly minion .
Linger and laugh , as we like to say . Professor Hilary Doodlebug , Director of Barking Dogs Felix Fluffypants , Off-sider , Apprentice , and Hope of the Side