The Benefits of a Light Heart The Benefits of a Light Heart | Page 12

Prudence R . Millear
Hog . After all , I was having too much fun to stop and the Cat was much more amusing and direct than I could ever hope to be !
So who is this Delightful Cat , my inner animal alias ? She ( and she was definitely as She ) is a sleek and calm Creature , who is a lot like my dearest and most favourite cat , also called Hilary ( because she and her brother Edmund could climb ). Hilary warmed my life and organised my family , but she has long gone to warm the laps of the angels in heaven . I am sure she is as welcome there as she was in our home ! I will let The Cat , Professor Hilary Doodlebug , introduce herself , as well as Felix Fluffypants , who is on work experience .
The plan of the Barking Dog Index is to divide the book between the interesting bits at the start ( like the Dogs and Dog Handling Strategies ) and put the sensible , academic me in the last two chapters . Despite the frivolity , The Index is research based .
Honestly .
The start is where you ’ ll meet my Inner Cat , explore the Index , Train some Wayward Dogs , and Ponder the World from a Prone Position . The idea is that you can dive into the fun first and then come back and read the research about the various parts of how to achieve long and happy lives .