The Benefits of a Light Heart The Benefits of a Light Heart | Page 11

The Benefits of a Light Heart


Well hello to you ! Welcome to another way to solve problems , and to have a little bit of fun . Life can be a serious business , with many different challenges , and we are often looking for ways to improve our minds , bodies , and lives . There you were , just cruising the bookshelves , looking for an Uplifting Book that would give you the Keys To Wisdom , the Secret Ingredient that will Solve All Your Problems , and Provide The Panaceas for Life . Oh , and make you Fit and Healthy without too much effort !
And here you are with the Barking Dog Index of Problems in your hand and you thought , Goodness , What is this ??? Have any dogs been injured ? What ’ s wrong with the dogs ? It this how I should treat my dog ? Is this my Delightful Dog ? Are there Psychologists for dogs now ?
No , No , No , No , and No ( at least , I don ’ t think so ).
Well , this book is a little bit different to that ! It ’ s an Attack of the Monty Pythons , a Moment of Madness , and a Departure from Adult Life . And definitely , not very serious look at life .
The Barking Dog Index of Problems .
I was deciding how best to quantify the types of problems in life and then thinking about types of dogs and which seemed to fit the best , when a Cat sauntered out of my imagination and became the voice of my solutions . You know one of those delightful , smiling cats that wind themselves around your legs , wander into your heart , before plonking themselves on your lap and purring like a freight train . I did think about writing in a serious academic way ( which I could ) or giving into the lighter side and letting this inner Cat run the show .
The Cat won . Of course .
I was able to rationalise this by accepting that if you ’ re having an Attack of the Monty Pythons , you might as well go the Whole