By Fahtiem
Photo by Don Spiro
Until you dream, there isn’t a mold.
Until you speak, there isn’t a promise.
And until you move, there isn’t a path.
~Mike Dooley
In every moment we have the power to
change our destiny.
Our predominantly focused thoughts
bring into our outer experience what
we’ve been thinking largely about. Our
power to create what’s coming our way is in each and every
moment: in other words, NOW.
Once we have our dreams and goals clear in our minds, what
can we do to bring those things into our reality with speed
and clarity?
A highly effective element to accomplishing this is simply
writing goals down. Doing so provides direction, helps
develop an action plan, and provides motivation along the
way. The act of writing the goals down allows us to fully
develop the goals with a specific focus. The written goals
also serve as a reminder of what the goals are and serve as a
October 2016
The Belly Dance Chronicles