The Baseball Observer Jan-Feb 2016 vol 6 | Page 30


The Baseball Observer - Jan/ Feb 2016

• If the player is not able to assist the teammate, then the player can attempt

to find someone who can help and connect the teammate with that individual

such as another player or coach.

• Based on the assistance that is being provided to the teammate, seek to

maintain confidentiality with that teammate unless the player wants others to

know about the help.

8. If a player is not a starter, how does that player help the dynamics of the team by being a good teammate?

Without doubt, most players want to be starters and contribute in a direct way to the team and to winning. However, the reality is that, at any one point in time, a player may not be a regular but rather be cast into the role of a utility player.

A player who is not in the starting lineup still can be influential to the team as well as to the development of positive team cohesion by taking the following kinds of actions:

• The player can make a commitment to do all that they can to be the best that

they can be as a team member, even though they are not in the lineup often.

• They can seek out the coach and find ways to get better as a player, even

though they are not playing.

• The player can remind the coach that have come to the ballpark prepared to

play and that they are ready to assist the team whenever they are called on.

• When the player not in the game, they can make it a point to remain

engrossed in the game by watching how the game occurs--- inning by inning.

This would include doing such things as studying the opposing pitcher and

offering suggestions about how teammates can engage in quality at bats

against that pitcher. The player also can work at keeping themselves mentally

in the game by thinking about and visualizing how they would handle

particular game situations.

• Most importantly, the individual player can show great character by playing

the game the right way, including providing encouragement and support to

those players who are in the game.