The Baseball Observer Jan-Feb 2016 vol 6 | Page 29



6. How does playing the game the right

way make a player a good teammate?

Playing the game the right way is observed

by how the player spends quality time

preparing, how they compete, and how

they respond to and make sense of their

results and performance. When the player

plays the game in this way, then the player--

by action not words--- is being a good team-

mate, and for the following reasons:

• The player does their part in helping to put the team in position to win the


• Through their actions, the player is a model to other teammates that they

want to win and that they desire to be part of something beyond being an


• In playing the game the right way, the player more often than not, will

relate productively with their teammates, both on and off the field, and

gain their respect.

• More often than not, the player will listen to the coaches and follow

through with the game plan.

• The player’s actions will show others what it takes to be part of a team.

7. To what extent can a player help teammates to become more a part of the team?

Just how a player can help a teammate to become more a part of the team will depend on many factors, such as the prior relationship between them, their roles on the team, and sometimes even by the degree of performance of the player.

However, if and when a player senses an opportunity to assist a teammate, and feels comfortable in reaching out to provide assistance to that individual, then that player can consider taking all or some of the following actions:

• Listen to the teammate so that the individual’s needs and concerns can be


• Discuss with the teammate how you, the player, may be able to assist them.

• When offering assistance to the teammate, do so in an enthusiastic manner.

• Attempt to set up a time and plan so that you can offer the teammate some

quality assistance, rather than proceeding in a haphazard manner.

• The player needs to make sure that he can follow through on his commit-

ment to help the teammate. In this regard, it is better to under-promise

what can be provided to the teammate and over deliver, rather than over-

promise and then not be able to follow through.

If the player is not able to assist the teammate, then the player can attempt to find someone who can help and connect the teammate with that individual such as another player or coach.

Based on the assistance that is being provided to the teammate, seek to maintain confidentiality with that teammate unless the player wants others to know about the help.