The Barossa Mag Winter 2018 | Page 25

T H E B AROSSA MAG | 25 life because you can cross over very easily.” As for her status as a young female teacher, Asher sees it as both a gift and a double-edged sword. “It’s a big advantage because I can relate to the kids; it wasn’t that long ago that I was in high school,” says Asher. “I can connect with my own experiences and it doesn’t seem like a lifetime ago. Technology is also a game- changer, inside the classroom and out. “It does have its disadvantages too. There have been times when my students don’t respect my authority as they would an older teacher, or speak inappropriately. You have to shut that down instantly and turn it into a learning experience.” “There are so many great online tools you can use that weren’t available even five years ago, quizzes and Padlet (online post-it notes) to help encourage discussion,” says Asher. “I’m always looking for different ways of teaching and applying so I can better teach my kids; I want to put myself in their shoes and understand how they best learn.” But with unprecedented levels of online addiction, Asher says students need to be discerning. “With social media students are accessible to one another 24-7. That’s really hard to get away Mon - FRI: 6am - 3pm // SAT: 6am - NOON SUN: 6am - noon // CLOSED PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 8563 3973 Shop 3/56 Murray Street, Tanunda