The Barossa Mag Winter 2018 | Page 24

24 | T HE B A R OSSA MAG >> Asher Rohde, Erin Schrapel and Mitchell Gebert. Leaving Nuriootpa High a student and returning a qualified teacher, Asher is now privileged to work alongside her mentor and former psychology teacher, Kirsty Gebert. “She’s the reason I am a psychology teacher today. As soon as she started teaching me, I knew,” says Asher. “She was so passionate, always extending and challenging us, and that sparked the passion in me. I think that’s what makes a really good teacher.” Like so many scholars before her, Asher continues to be fascinated by the science of psychology. “It’s about why people do what THE GRAIN ROOM A place to relax where we farm it, grow it and make it. • Homemade Gourmet pies, local produce platters, barista coffee, local craft Beer and more. “Charming, rustic and down to earth” they do, how people learn. I love it, if you can’t tell,” Asher laughs. However Asher is careful not to psychoanalyse those around her. “It’s so relevant to everyday life. I love when my students go home and talk to their parents or grandma or sister or brother about what we’ve been discussing and how it applies to their life.” “I sometimes do it subconsciously – probably mostly with my family members – but I try to take people at face value,” says Asher. “It’s important to separate my personal life from my teaching THE STABLES WINE ROOM Come and discover Pindarie’s Estate wine room housed inside the restored historic Stables. • Estate Wine Tasting • Cellar Door tastings • Barista Coffee • Seasonal Lunches • Spectacular Views 9 4 6 R o s e d a l e R o a d , B a r o s s a Va l l e y | P h o n e : 0 8 8 5 2 4 9 0 1 9 | O p e n 7 d a y s | w w w . p i n d a r i e . c o m . a u