the BARNyard October 15 - 19 2013 3
We are made of 65% water. Basically if we cut ourselves into 8 parts, 5 parts are made of water! Only 3 more parts are left for all the other stuff like eyes and guts!
The EARTH is made of 70% water. That would come up to be about 326 trillion gallons of the stuff. If you put all that water in your bath tub, it would take about 8 trillion baths to drain the enitre globe! That's a lot of clean!
Water can be found in three basic forms of
MATTER. Solid, liquid, or gas. In water's solid
form, it's called ICE, and is only formed in cold
temperatures. In water's liquid form, it's called
by its most popular name: WATER! This form is
formed when the temperature is warmer than
32 degrees Fahrenheit. 32 degrees F is about
as cold as a snowball (which is made of water)!
When the temperature of water reaches over
200 degrees Fahrenheit, the water will start to bubble over, or in other words... BOIL! boiling water produces water in its final form called GAS. Water in GAS form is called steam. Like the steam coming out of the teapot! So... what are YOU made of?
As we said, 65% of the human body is water. Most of the water is in our blood. 20% of our entire body can be defined as protein. That's what our muscles and organs are made of! The rest is a collection of bits and bobs, like bones and tendons. Those are made of calcium and potassium, among other words we can barely pronounce!