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How would you describe the water cycle to someone who knows nothing about it?
"Evaporation, Condesation, Precipitation,Runoff, uhm... and Acumulation, and of course there's the possibility of Transoration."
how to get fresh water from the dirtiest of the dirty??
Imagine that you're at home with the family, and the water in
your sink comes out really muddy. This happens more often if
your family has a well of their own, but it can also happen
when your house has city water as well. What do you do?
FIRST: Get a pot and put the muddy water on the stove to boil.
SECOND: Put a glass that can sustain high heat (dishwasher safe should do) in the water. None of the wuddy water should spill into the glass, so make sure your water level isn't higher than the rim of the glass. THIRD: Put a rounded top on the pot UPSIDE DOWN and finally... wait. The steam will evaporate and form condensation on the lid. That condensation will drip into the glass and seperate from the mud, making fresh water!