The Azerothian Issue Two | Page 6

Mounts In Warlods

There was a lot of talk on twitter and on the forums about whether or not no flying in WOD initial was a good or bad thing.

I personally don’t mind not being able to fly, I liked it in MOP when I first ventured there and was able to experience the new area without flying and missing it all.

It’s also a great opportunity to be able to see some of those ground mounts that I have had hidden away.

It did get me thinking though, what possible mounts could we be getting…..

I do enjoy looking at the new up and coming mounts, even though I dont have a massive amount of them I am keen to try and collect as many as I can.

I loved the dragon mounts, however I do think that now is the time to move away from them. It would be nice to see some in future expansions but we have had dragon mounts for at least the past 3, although MOP did venture into different types of dragons as well as turtle mounts etc.

I do think that this could be a great opportunity to revisit some of the outland wildlife. Imagine being able to fly on a giant Nether Ray or even on a basilisk.

We have already seen a hint as to what the mounts could look like with the Iron Skyreaver. You can see what the iron horde has been doing creating mounts like this...

Do I personally want to see more like this...not too many

I think it looks nice BUT there is a little too much iron on it for my tastes!

I think its a great oppertunity to start seeing a wider selection of mounts that would allow us to see some of the old outland wildlife, before it was destoried.

Imagine being able to fly a giant Nether Ray type creature or even a basilisk. I do think it is a great oppertunity to get more ground mounts created.

There was also the released image of a bird type mount that looked a lot like Anzu, which I expect will be the Collectors Edition mount.

I am hoping to see more varied mounts from the Draenei and not just elks.

I do hope with Warlords we do get a nice mixture of mounts that use not only different skins but also feel different, have different animations etc.

I also hope that there are more ways in which these mounts could be obtained, dungeons, raids, quests, dailies, PvP etc.

If you are a mount hunter, I do think there will be plenty of choice for you on what you can go for!