right ? Maybe it was a podcast ; or highlights from a sporting event that you wanted to relive ; or something else . But suddenly you look around and realize you have reached your destination , passed by many friends and colleagues without even a word , and perhaps even ridden an elevator in total silence with fellow commuters . Considered through this lens , was the entertainment in which you engaged meaningful ?
My guess is that , more often than we would like to think , the answer to that question is “ no .” Not through any fault of the entertainment itself or of our own , but because of what our absorption in it led us to miss out on around us . As we enter this season of giving thanks and becoming renewed , my challenge to each of you is simple : choose what you can consider meaningful entertainment . Entertainment that promotes engagement with your friends , family , and colleagues around us . Not entertainment that you find isolates you from others . For the days are long , but the years are short . Enjoy them with those that mean the most to you , professionally and personally .
Happy Holidays to All !
Christopher P . Lightner Atlanta Bar Association President www . atlantabar . org THE ATLANTA LAWYER 5