MEMBERSHIP and live with the experience of being a healthy child in a very sick family , not to mention the personal trauma they each faced within the family .
Similarly , Kolker admitted that the matriarch of the family , Mimi , was an oft-discussed and debated person and he worried that she was not always interpreted in the light he had hoped . We discussed with Kolker how we viewed Mimi ’ s portrayal as a fair , balanced portrayal of a flawed woman who did her best and is wired differently . She is not a saint , but it is also unfair to demonize her , which is how Kolker felt when he met her and continued to learn more about her .
Our group ’ s discussions with Kolker revealed the challenges he faced in telling the Galvin story . While the reader is left to wonder about the current state of the family members , Kolker was able to fill in some of our gaps . The book has changed the daily life for some of the family members who live closest to where the family used to reside . Although the family faced many tragedies , including but not only mental illness , the narrative successfully captured the individuality and human dignity of each member . We each walked away from Hidden Valley Road with an increased understanding of schizophrenia , how it affects an individual and their loved ones , and deeper awareness of how much is still not understood about the illness . The author ’ s greatest success was in bestowing us with a great empathy for the Galvins and the many families they represent .
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