Ask the Board
How are you celebrating this holiday season and / or preparing yourself for virtual gatherings this season ?
Brittanie Browning ( CLE Board ) Hall Booth Smith , PC
I think we all are ready to rest and recharge . I always enjoy the holidays as a time for cooking and enjoying quality time with loved ones . I am looking forward to spending time with my family and recharging with a hike to enjoy all the changing leaves . I am planning some new cookie recipes to try out over Thanksgiving to prepare for the holidays too !
Amy Cheng ( Atlanta Bar Board ) Nelson Mullins
My husband and I are excited to welcome our first child this Christmas , and in honor of him , the whole family will be wearing matching pajamas !
Jena Emory ( CLE Board ) Copeland Stair Kingma & Lovell , LLP
For Thanksgiving , I plan on heading back to rural South Carolina to eat real , home cooked , Southern food . Weather permitting , we will eat outside . If not , we will enjoy a socially distanced Thanksgiving at six strategically placed tables . For Christmas , I will drive home to East Tennessee to spend the holiday with my family .
To prepare for our virtual holiday , we will do a “ Christmas Craft ” on Christmas Eve , and I will realize yet again how creative and artistic my dad is . ( Both of his snowmen have black hats .) On Christmas day , we will cook , open presents , and realize how blessed we are to be living this life together .
Betsy Griswold ( Foundation Board ) UPS
How am I celebrating the holiday season ? Quietly and at home in this unprecedented season . How will we prepare ourselves for virtual gatherings this Thanksgiving ? By cooking for others and delivering for take out !
Chris Lightner ( Atlanta Bar Board ) Alston & Bird , LLP
My family and our immediate extended family will be celebrating as in years ’ past . We will be hosting those who can travel at our house for the weekend and look forward to freely fellowshipping with those we have gathered with every year . We will be gathering in-person given that we have done so every year and we have all already gathered in-person for child-related sporting activities this fall . We encourage others to do the same , at their own individual comfort level .
Wade Malone ( Foundation Board ) Nelson Mullins
In addition to as much family time and wassailing as possible , I will be celebrating the holiday season as I do most every year by planning to attend Alabama ’ s games in the College Football Playoffs . This year , Alabama will be going for National Championship No . 18 .
Kevin Patrick ( Atlanta Bar Board ) Kevin Patrick Law
We will be spending more time at home together this year as a family in light of the travel restrictions . I have felt like the art of letter writing has been lost in many ways with the advent of e-mails , texts , and all of the other technological advances over the years .
This year , instead of virtual gatherings , we are taking more of an old-school approach . My family and I will try to send hand written letters to close family and friends , especially our grandparents and great grandmother . We truly hope they enjoy this “ new ” type of holiday cheer .
Kier Prince ( CLE Board ) Emory Law Volunteer Clinic for Veterans
My immediate family normally cooks dinner ( this translates into my sisters and I cook dinner for my mom and grandparents ). I normally make a couple of sweet potato pies to which my aunt helps herself and takes two pies home to her family . We normally follow this up by gathering around the tv and falling asleep ( my mom has to get her nap in so she can go shopping for Black Friday sales ). We are not expecting guests this year , so we normally call our family over the phone , FaceTime , or send them a Facebook message wishing them a Happy Thanksgiving .
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