The Atlanta Lawyer October/November 2020 Vol. 19, No. 3 | Page 6

Atlanta Bar Association 404-521-0781
Executive Director Terri Bryant 404-537-4949 tbryant @ atlantabar . org
CLE Director Catherine Broussard 404-537-4931 cbroussard @ atlantabar . org
Committee and Special Programs Stephanie Martinez smartinez @ atlantabar . org
Financial Administrator Michele Adams 404-832-6219 madams @ atlantabar . org
Marketing and Communications Angela Edmonds 404-832-6203 aedmonds @ atlantabar . org
Membership Director Amy Schlossberg 404-537-4930 aschlossberg @ atlantabar . org
Publications and Communications Jordan Coleman 404-832-6208 jcoleman @ atlantabar . org
Sections Director Karen English 404-832-6204 kenglish @ atlantabar . org
Lawyer Referral & Information Service ( LRIS ) 404-521-0777
LRIS Director Lucia Keller 404-537-4934 lkeller @ atlantabar . org
LRIS Client Relations Representative Courtney Coleman 404-832-6229 ccoleman @ atlantabar . org
LRIS Client Relations Representative Open
LRIS Modest Means and Communications Representative Joette Melendez jmelendez @ atlantabar . org
LRIS Supervisor Stefanie Aponte saponte @ atlantabar . org

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6 October / November 2020