The Atlanta Lawyer October/November 2020 Vol. 19, No. 3 | Page 28

Tune Into A Podcast This Fall

Add these podcasts to your listening playlist , hosted by Atlanta lawyers .
HARRY WINOGRAD Bodker Ramsey Andrews Winograd & Wildstein , PC hwinograd @ brawwlaw . com
Trusted Counsel , Hosted By Evelyn Ashley Evelyn Ashley and the business law firm Trusted Counsel started the podcast in September 2015 . Ashley , along with all the Firm ’ s lawyers , have hosted and / or been on the show . Evelyn recalls , “ We were looking for a different way to provide information to our client base , as well as provide us an opportunity to business develop and market in an innovative way .”
Trusted Counsel hosts new monthly episodes in 2020 . Initially this started with four episodes per month for the first year which was , “ way too many for us to manage ; then down to 2 per month which was challenging but well received ; in 2019 went to once a month .”
The target topics are about building and operating a business in the 21st century ; their target audience is primarily privately held business owners and their executive teams . To measure the impact , Evelyn looks to several factors , including feedback and topic requests from clients ; interest and support of our guests ; expanding client relationships ; winning new business as clients and marketing pushes the content .
The Trusted Counsel podcasts have led to additional success , including sponsorship by third parties of the Firm ’ s periodic “ Prepping the Princess : Is Your Business Ready to Sell ?” podcasts , live event and books containing reworked podcast discussions and
28 October / November 2020