Magistrate Court of Gwinnett County
It was my pleasure to have served in the U . S . Marine Corps for thirty years as an active duty Marine and as a Marine Reservist . At the end of the Viet Nam War , I was assigned to the Naval Justice School in Newport , RI , and received a MOS ( Military Occupation Skill ) as a Legal Officer . At the end of Operation Desert Storm , I attended the John Marshall Law School . I have practiced law for the past twenty-five years , and the last fourteen years as a part-time Magistrate in Gwinnett County . My military service and training has served me well as a litigator and a judge . Also , to add to your list of service members , Gwinnett County Magistrate Judges Bob Mitchum , Gene Cantrell and Robert Walker honorably served in the military .
Superior Court of Gwinnett County
U . S . Army Reserve 1987-1995 ; E-4 ( Specialist ). I was a light weight vehicle mechanic working on everything from a ¼ ton Jeep to a 10 Ton Tractor Trailer .
I joined the reserves at the age of 17 as a way to assist in paying for college and to gain discipline . It was one of the best things I have ever done , and it provided me with the discipline and drive to achieve my goals . My Military service influences my judicial philosophy in that I believe with mental discipline we can achieve anything . My service also taught me to follow the laws / rules and that path will enable you to be successful . PTSD , addiction and homelessness are real hardships that our veterans face on a daily basis . Combat Veterans experience a sense of loss and of not belonging when not surrounded by their team . Veteran ’ s Court is one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had on the bench . It is an opportunity to serve again . The camaraderie is there regardless of our position .
There is a common language and bond amongst the Court , Treatment Team , and participants . Without the military , I do not believe I would be where I am today . I always wanted to serve and it was one of the best experiences of my life .
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