The Atlanta Lawyer October/November 2020 Vol. 19, No. 3 | Page 10



United States District Court , Northern District of Georgia
I was a Captain in the U . S . Army JAG Corps with the 101st Airborne Division ( Air Assault ) at Fort Campbell , Kentucky from 1997-2001 .


Superior Court of Fulton County Brigadier General Ural Glanville , United States Army , Retired
In 1982 , Judge Ural D . Glanville enrolled at the University of Georgia and joined the Army Reserve Officer Training Corps program . He credits his grandfather who served in WWII and his uncle who served in Korea , both Army veterans , with influencing him to join the Army . In 1984 , he graduated from UGA and was commissioned as an Infantry Second Lieutenant , beginning his 33 years of military service . Brigadier General ( BG ) Glanville served on active duty from 1990-1993 . His active duty assignments include service with the United States Army Trial Defense Service and Trial Counsel for V Corps in Germany .
In 1996 , Judge Glanville began his judicial career as a judge in the Magistrate Court of Fulton County . BG Glanville retired in 2019 as the Commanding General for the United States Army Reserve Legal Command , Gaithersburg , Maryland . Prior to this assignment , BG Glanville served as the Assistant Judge Advocate General for Military Law and Operations Individual Mobilization Augmentee at Headquarters Department of the Army in the Pentagon , Washington , DC . In 1993 , BG Glanville returned to Atlanta , resuming his service with the Army Reserve in the 213th Legal Operations Detachment ( LOD ). In the 213th LOD he served in several positions including Senior Legal Opinions Officer .
In 1998 , he was selected to serve as the Chief of Operational and Civil Law for the 2125th Garrison Support Unit ( XVIII Airborne Corps ). In 2000 , he served as the Command Judge Advocate for the 359th Signal Brigade before being selected by The Judge Advocate General for the United States Army to serve as the Staff Judge Advocate ( SJA ) for the 335th Signal Command . As the 335th SJA , he deployed in support of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM . After his deployment , TJAG selected BG Glanville for command of the 213th LOD . In 2004 , Judge Glanville continued his judicial service as a judge in the Superior Court of Fulton County . Prior to being selected to be Chief Judge , Army Court of Criminal Appeals , BG Glanville was the Commanding General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Rule of Law Support Mission / Rule of Law Field Force-Afghanistan .
In 2008 , Judge Glanville graduated with his Masters in Strategic Studies from the United States Army War College . In his 30-year military career , Judge Glanville has served three tours of duty and seen combat in Afghanistan and Kuwait . He is a Legion of Merit and Bronze Star medal recipient . In 2019 Judge Glanville retired from the military with 35 years of distinguished service as a Brigadier General .


Superior Court of Gwinnett County
Judge Whitner is a graduate of Howard University ( B . A ., Political Science , 1992 ) and Howard University School of Law ( J . D ., 1995 ).
After admission to the Maryland Bar , Judge Whitner received a direct commission as a First Lieutenant to the U . S . Air Force . She served as the Chief of Claims and Chief of Military Justice while stationed at RAF Mildenhall in the United Kingdom . After graduating as a Distinguished Graduate from the Air Force ’ s Squadron Officers School , Judge Whitner was stationed at the Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals , the highest court of the Air Force .
Judge Whitner was honorably discharged from the U . S . Air Force as a Captain in 1999 . In 2000 , Judge Whitner joined the U . S . Virgin Islands Office of the Attorney General . She also joined the U . S . Virgin Islands Air National Guard , where she again served as the Judge Advocate General for both the U . S . Virgin Islands Air and Army National Guard . Judge Whitner obtained the rank of Major after ten years of honorable service . In 2016 , she became a Gwinnett County Juvenile Court Judge . In 2019 , Gov . Kemp appointed her to the Superior Court of Gwinnett County , becoming the first African-American Superior Court Judge in Gwinnett ’ s 200-year history .
10 October / November 2020