The Atlanta Lawyer October/November 2015 | Page 26
Solo Practitioner/Small Firm Section
By Robert S. Huestis
Huestis Law, LLC
[email protected]
he Solo Practitioner Small Firm Section has been off
to a great start this year. Our monthly breakfasts at
The Buckhead Club and lunches at Gordon Biersch
in Midtown have been well attended due, no doubt, to an
excellent slate of speakers and topics. The Georgia State
Bar loaned us Natalie Kelly for one of our first breakfasts.
She spoke on disaster planning and provided some
excellent insights into proactive measures to be taken by the
small law office in crisis situations. More recently, one of our
Board Members, Jim Yeargan, spoke about a different type
of disaster planning. As a DUI law practitioner, Jim gave us
some tips for what to do when your client’s son or daughter
gets arrested. Jim’s talk was informative, interactive and a
lot of fun.
The SPSF Section has also continued its commitment to
the pro bono activities and efforts of its membership. Mike
Monahan, also from the State Bar, spoke to us about putting
more pro bono into our business plans. One of the pro bono
initiatives near and dear to the SPSF Section (and, indeed,
to many members of the Atlanta and Georgia Bars) is the
Truancy Intervention Project. In addition to Mike’s excellent
advice on budgeting time to support pro bono initiatives, one of
our highlights this fall was Judge Glenda Hatchett, who spoke
about her experiences with TIP. As one of the early advocates
for TIP, Judge Hatchett regaled the Section with success
stories and heartwarming tales over the last 20 years, as
TIP has grown into a successful and vibrant organization. As
an added bonus, we were entertained by stories from Judge
Hatchett’s years as a television personality. Many thanks to
Adrian Wright and Karen Cloud of TIP, as well as our Emeritus
Member, Rob Wellon, in encouraging Judge Hatchett to be
with us and for facilitating the relationship between the Atlanta
Bar Association and the Truancy Interven