The Atlanta Lawyer October 2017 | Page 8

Luncheon and Pro Bono Awards The tenth annual Celebrating Service and Awards Luncheon was held on October 20, 2017 at the Piedmont Driv- ing Club. The program recognized representatives from various pro bono and service or- ganizations in the community and also honored individuals who have made a significant impact in the community through their volunteer contributions. The luncheon featured keynote speaker Audra Dial, Atlanta Office Managing Part- ner at Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP. The Atlanta Bar bestowed awards to the following deserving individuals: 2017 Pro Bono Service Award: Atlanta Bar Association Bankruptcy Section. In the past year, the Bankruptcy Section has worked extensively with the bankruptcy bench and bar on pro bono initiatives, as well as assisted individual pro se debtors in bankruptcy cases, frustrated low in- come creditors, and unrepresented par- ties in bankruptcy adversary proceedings. Section members invested an estimated 1,500 hours in pro bono service last year. 8 October 2017 2017 Public Service Award: Jabu M. Sengova (City of Atlan- ta Ethics Off icer) for signif icant contributions to advance the fair administration of justice in our com- munity and foster professionalism and ethics in the political, legislative or ju- dicial process. 2017 Rita A. Sheffey Award: Kimberly D. Charles (Atlanta Legal Aid Society, Inc.) for demonstration of her commit- ment to the public interest by pursuing legal justice for impoverished, under- served or marginalized clients. 2017 Community Service Award: The Atlanta Bard Show Committee. Since the first show in 1999, the Atlanta Bard Committee has produced twelve A Courthouse Line musical theatre pro- ductions featuring all lawyer casts. The committee has raised over $250,000 to support the charitable activities of the Atlanta Bar Foundation, providing sup- port to pro bono service providers and youth development programs of the Atlanta Bar Association.