The Internship Program was founded in 1993 by Terrence Lee Croft,
Comer Yates, Tom Wamsley and S. Wade Malone. The Internship
program has provided 686 scholarships over twenty five years to
high schools students throughout the metro Atlanta area. Twenty
four former Interns have gone on to attend law school.
1 L-R: Atlanta Bar Foundation President Michael B. Terry (Bon-
durant Mixson & Elmore LLP), Past President Lynn M. Roberson
(Miles Mediation), Past President Frank B. Strickland (Strickland
Brockington Lewis LLP), Atlanta Bar Association Executive Director
Terri Bryant, Past President S. Wade Malone (Nelson Mullins Riley
& Scarborough LLP), Atlanta Bar Association President Margaret H.
Vath (Georgia State University College of Law), Past President Ben
L. Weinberg, Jr. (Weinberg, Wheeler, Hudgins, Gunn & Dial, LLC),
Atlanta Bar Association Past Executive Director Diane O'Steen, Past
President Richard B. Herzog, Jr. (Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarbor-
ough LLP), Past President Terrence Lee Croft, Esq. ( Jams), and Past
President Seth Kirschenbaum (Nick Lotito & Seth Kirschenbaum).
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The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association THE ATLANTA LAWYER