The Atlanta Lawyer October 2016 | Page 34

Dear Members, We are in the process of transferring to a new email platform, so we want to be sure that you continue to receive all of our communications. Are you having issues receiving our e-mail communications? There is a chance that this may be due to your e-mail provider automatically filtering the e-mails to your spam/junk folder. Please take a moment to check your spam/junk folder to see if you are able to locate communications from the Atlanta Bar Association. You should be able to search the folder with the phrase “Atlanta Bar Association”. If you find our communications in your junk folder and would like for them to appear in your regular inbox or unable to locate communications from us at all, email Kristyn Girardeau, kgirardeau FOLLOW US ON @atlantabar What are you grateful for? (answer here) See what other members are grateful for in the next issue. 34 October 2016