The Atlanta Lawyer October 2016 | Page 33

If your business runs into legal trouble, hiring a skilled attorney immediately upon identification of the problem is recommended. Delaying could make a bad situation worse. Review & Police Company Standard Operating Procedures Standard Operating Procedures (“SOPs”) are instructions or checklists developed by businesses to assist employees in addressing routines or problems in a mechanistic way. If properly drafted and executed, SOPs can reduce the occurrence of undesired outcomes and, upon the occurrence of undesired outcomes, can mitigate the severity of the situation. Proper implementation and execution, though, is critical. A company can have great SOPs, but if they are not implemented and executed properly, their existence is nullified. Retaining counsel to assist in drafting and, in some contexts (such as employment or information security), implementing SOPs can be beneficial in ensuring compli- ance with applicable law. In conclusion, taking proactive steps to reduce liability exposure and protect assets is advised and can prove financially beneficial in the long-term. CONTRIBUTE NOW Founded in 2000 as a grass-roots effort by local attorneys to promote pro bono awareness and participation, our Campaign has raised over $500,000 for Atlanta pro bono legal services organizations. Thanks to the help of associates across the city last year, $26,530 was raised. Our goal this year is to collect $40,000 or more! Please consider giving a donation of $100 or more, or the cost of at least one billable hour to one of our worthy beneficiary organizations. A contribution of any amount is tax deductible. In addition, many participating law firms will match your donation which makes your contribution even more meaningful. The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association THE ATLANTA LAWYER 33