On September 18, 2012, the Minority & Diversity Clerkship Program hosted a reception
at the Capital City Club to thank the hosts and clerks of the 2012 Program.
Shown from left to right are Atlanta Bar Member-at-Large Karen E. Fultz
(Cozen O’Connor), Andrew Leba (Clerk), Juan Mendoza (Clerk).
Shown is Program Co-Chair Charles T.
Lester Jr. (Sutherland).
Shown from left to right are Litigation Section Immediate
Past Chair Stephen T. LaBriola (Fellows LaBriola, LLP) and Shown from left to right are Juan Mendoza (Clerk) and
Atlanta Bar Vice President/President-Elect Wade H. Watson III Atlanta Bar Immediate Past President Rita A. Sheffey
(Caldwell & Watson).
(Hunton & Williams LLP).
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association
October 2012