On September 13, 2012, the Women in the Profession Section hosted
a Kick-Off Social at Gordon Biersch. Shown from left to right are
Treasurer Taylor Tribble (Huff Powell & Bailey, LLC), Member-at
-Large Lisa Liang (Atlanta Legal Aid Society Inc. ) and Member-atLarge Jessica Stern (Kish & Lietz PC).
On September 19, 2012, the Elder Law Section hosted
a breakfast at the Buckhead Club. Shown from left to
right are Kris Skaar (Skaar & Feagle, LLP) and Section
Chair Sarah Watchko (DeBaun & Associates, P.C.).
Skaar spoke on “Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and
October 2012
On September 14, 2012, the Litigation Section hosted
a breakfast at the Colonnade Restaurant. Shown
from left to right are Michael L. McGlamry (Pope,
McGlamry, Kilpatrick, Morrison & Norwood, P.C.)
and Section Chair John “Jake” R. Bielema (Bryan
Cave Powell Goldstein LLP). McGlamry spoke on
“The NFL Concussion Litigation: Background, Key
Issues and the Sue of the MDL.”
On September 20, 2012, the Sole Practitioner Small Firm Section
hosted a breakfast at the Buckhead Club. Shown from left to
right are Section Chair L. Katherine Adams-Carter (The AdamsCarter Law Firm, PC), Martha Tate, LCSW, and Section Memberat-Large Robert G. Wellon (Attorney & Counselor at Law). Tate
spoke on “Myers-Briggs Magic: Demystifying Differences in
Communication, Conflict Management and Relationship Styles.”
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association