section update
Labor & Employment
Law Section Update
By Michelle Shivers
[email protected]
Marcia A. Ganz
[email protected]
he Labor & Employment Section of the Atlanta Bar
plans to continue its efforts to serve the Atlanta
community in the 2012-2013 Bar year. In addition to
being a financial sponsor of organizations such as the Atlanta
Volunteer Lawyers Foundation and Pro Bono Partnership
of Atlanta, the Section is committed to promoting public
service throughout its membership. Recognizing that many
employment issues are recurring, the Section is in active
pursuit of volunteers to develop a resource library that can be
used by other practitioners to assist in labor and employment
pro bono matters. Specifically, the Section is seeking
volunteers to prepa re volunteer handbooks, volunteer
agreements, sample independent contractor agreements
and other common forms and policies. The goal is to then
make these samples available to practitioners for use on
pro bono matters with the primary purpose of encouraging
Atlanta attorneys who may feel that they do not have the
time, expertise or resources to take on pro bono projects.
In addition to the development of the resource bank, the
Section plans to provide training during the Atlanta Bar’s
March Madness on labor and employment “hot topics” to
equip volunteers with the background necessary to tackle
labor and employment issues for community organizations
and members. If you have any interest in becoming involved
in the Section’s pro bono efforts, please email Marcia Ganz
([email protected]) or Michelle Shivers (mshivers@littler.
com). ■
2012 Atlanta Santa Project
Tis the Season to be jolly and the 2012 Atlanta Santa Project is fast
approaching! Soon it will be time to dust off your Santa suits and Elf attire
and prepare to spread holiday cheer to thousands of Atlanta area adults and
children. This year’s training lunch is scheduled for noon on Wednesday,
November 7, 2012 at the Atlanta Bar office. A notice will be sent to previous
volunteers but we welcome new volunteers as well – just contact the Atlanta
Bar office to add your name to the list.
In the giving spirit of the holiday, we would greatly appreciate any donations
to the Atlanta Santa Project to be used for the purchase of film. Your
donation, no matter the amount, will help us continue the invaluable tradition
of providing a keepsake photograph to all those we visit. Make checks
payable to the Atlanta Bar Foundation with a note designating the funds for
the Atlanta Santa Project.
Please contact Elf Mariana Pannell at (404) 537-4930 or mpannell@ if you have questions or need additional information. Thank
you for considering making a donation and/or volunteering for this worthwhile
October 2012
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association