The Atlanta Lawyer October 2012 | Page 23

Legal Aid has a long history and we often have seen and responded to problems that younger organizations may just be seeing for the first time. PIER is a vehicle for us to give other organizations the benefit of our experience, and maybe avoid making some of the mistakes we have made.” – Steve Gottlieb, Atlanta Legal Aid Society “In this era of increasing demand for free civil legal services for the poor, and dramatically diminishing funding for the groups that provide those services, it has become important for the city’s pro bono providers to be a close and consistent community. PIER is our best avenue for assuring the regular communication that allows for mutual support and a striking level of cooperation from its members.” – Marty Ellin, Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation pier Jonathan Eoloff Latin American Association Steve Gottlieb Atlanta Legal Aid Society Kristi Graunke Southern Poverty Law Center, Immigrant Justice Project Sharon Hill GA Appleseed Phyllis Holmen Georgia Legal Services “PIER effectively addresses a simple, fundamental need: namely, to provide a regular forum for the exchange of information, best practices, common issues and problems faced by about three dozen public interest organizations that are committed to work for the public good in our diversified community. And these discussions and exchange of information help make good organizations and their services even better.” – Norman Zoller, State Bar of Georgia Military Legal Assistance Program Monica Khant Georgia Asylum & Immigration Network “It’s an informal opportunity to ask questions in a ‘safe setting’. The meeting where we discussed fellowship opportunities was very helpful to me, and I’ve already got a potential fellow coming in next week to discuss working at GreenLaw.” – Stephanie Stuckey Benfield, GreenLaw Lisa Moore Georgia Lawyers for the Arts As for me, PIER means fellowship. The word fellowship is used often in my church to mean gathering as a community to share food and friendship, but the dictionary definition works as well: fel•low•ship a. The condition of sharing similar interests, ideals, or experiences, as by reason of profession, religion, or nationality. b. The companionship of individuals in a congenial atmosphere and on equal terms. I think that sums up our quarterly gathering very well. Thank you to the Atlanta Bar Association for supporting our efforts. Members of PIER: Aimee Maxwell Georgia Innocence Project Mike Monahan State Bar of Georgia Pro Bono Project Ruby Moore Georgia Advocacy Office Greg Nevins Lambda Legal Jessica Pennington Truancy Intervention Project Debbie Seagraves ACLU Rita Sheffey Hunton & Williams Southside Legal Center Julie Smith Georgia Justice Project Rachel Spears Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta Stephanie Stuckey Benfield GreenLaw Willard Timm GSU College of Law Low Income Tax Clinic Doug Ammar Georgia Justice Project Cheri Tipton Atlanta Legal Aid Society Jennifer Bensman Immigration Services Catholic Charities of Atlanta Sara Totonchi Southern Center for Human Rights Marty Ellin Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation Cristal Waldrop Georgia Law Center for the Homeless Norman Zoller State Bar Military Legal Assistance Program ■ The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association October 2012 THE ATLANTA LAWYER 23