The Atlanta Lawyer November/December 2021 Vol. 20, No. 3 | Page 25

Professionalism from a Trial Lawyer ’ s Perspective
Attorney and counselor of law Robert G . Wellon ( Wellon Family Law ) kicked off the first half of the first segment , moderating a panel that included Robin Frazer Clark ( Robin Frazer Clark , PC ) and former State Bar of Georgia President , and S . Lester Tate III ( Akin & Tate , PC ) served as panelists . To start , Clark credited golf to her having gained professionalism skills in the courtroom . Golf relies on the integrity of the individual to show consideration for other players and to abide by the rules . These principles of honor and integrity are critical in the law , where lawyers must apply professionalism standards even without an imminent threat of enforcement . Clark reminded us that it is important to show consideration to everyone at all times , no matter where you are in life . Both Clark and Tate reminded us that the Golden Rule should always be the guiding principle for those who are unsure .
Remember , we are lawyers called to serve others . Although the " golden rule " ( treating others how you would like to be treated ) may be a good place to start , having a mentor to guide , teach , and instill those important principles are encouraged . Finding mentors who can instill not only practical values , but also moral values can be beneficial to both parties . The ability to impart important character traits and insights helps both the lawyer and the practice of law . At the end of the day , many of the greatest lawyers have had the best mentors .
CLE on Professionalism : Appellate Advocacy Professionalism
The appellate professionalism panel featured Supreme Court Justice Verda M . Colvin ( Supreme Court of Georgia ), Judge Andrew A . Pinson ( Court of Appeals of Georgia ), and Deputy Solicitor General Ross W . Bergethon ( State of Georgia ) on October 19 , 2021 . The speakers walked through the Lawyer ’ s Creed and the Aspirational Statement .
The Lawyer ’ s Creed begins with a promise to offer “ faithfulness , competence , and diligence ” which the judges said caused them to rethink decisions knowing their function and the gravity of their decisions . Judge Pinson discussed that he knows the law is nuanced and requires thoughtful decision-making given the gravity of the appellate court ’ s role . Bergethon discussed that appellate work is more academic in nature , so the emotional aspect of litigation is removed , so it is easier to focus on the record . He also noted that he reviews the court ’ s rules in advance of each briefing to ensure nothing new was added since his last briefing . Judge Pinson discussed the rules committee for the appellate courts and improvements to the procedures , especially with the pandemic including the role of virtual oral argument .
To the court ’ s offer candor : The panel agreed that honesty is everything including disclosing adverse precedent . Justice Colvin shared a story of litigators appearing before her bench throughout her career and the hallmark of candor on reputation . Judge Pinson conveyed that it only creates frustration if his Chambers are discovering that adverse law .
Honor to the search for justice : The appellate courts strive to find the right answer when presented with appellate issues and the advocates appearing before the bench are part of that search . Judge Pinson discussed that the appellate court understands the gravity of their role so the advocates providing candor and case law to zealously represent their clients assists the court in reaching its ultimate decision . Justice Colvin echoed those sentiments and added that the role of the Supreme Court is to faithfully enforce the rule of law . Litigants and appellate advocates play a role in that process to aid the court to reach the right result based on the law .
BRITTANIE D . BROWNING Hall Booth Smith , PC bbrowning @ hallboothsmith . com
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