The Atlanta Lawyer November/December 2021 Vol. 20, No. 3 | Page 21

The AVLF ’ s Eviction Defense Program provides representation to tenants with pending eviction cases . It also trains these volunteer attorneys . This presentation discussed the AVLF program in detail , providing specific examples of the problems that tenants face in Atlanta , and it provided a brief outline on how to defend an eviction proceeding . An eviction proceeding can be summed up in five steps : ( 1 ) the landlord makes a demand for possession , ( 2 ) the landlord files a dispossessory summons in Magistrate Court , ( 3 ) the dispossessory summons is served on the tenant , ( 4 ) the tenant has seven days to file an answer , and ( 5 ) the court schedules a hearing and notifies the parties . After watching this session , attendees were equipped to take on a pro bono eviction case from AVLF .
Employment for Everyone Today
The day ' s second panel was moderated by Heather D . Ancrum ( Atlanta Housing Authority ) and included Jeffrey D . Mokotoff ( Ford Harrison LLP ), Megan L . Quinn ( Elarbee , Thompson , Sapp & Wilson LLP ), and Val Rusk ( The Employment Law Solution ). The purpose of this panel was to provide a brief overview of hot-button employment related topics , such as mandatory vaccinations , noncompete agreements , and remote work . It began with an overview of Georgia ’ s restrictive covenant laws . The panel also discussed whether employers could ask an employee ’ s vaccine status and how to approach a mask mandate within the office . Panelists noted that it can be extremely difficult to determine whether religious exemptions are appropriate in these cases .
Practicing in Municipal and Magistrate Courts
The Honorable Shukura L . Ingram ( Superior Court of Fulton County ) moderated a panel on practicing in Municipal and Magistrate Court , which included the Honorable Nora Polk ( Magistrate Court of DeKalb County ) and the Honorable Christopher E . Ward ( Municipal Court of Atlanta ). The panel provided practical tips and tricks on practicing in these unique courts offered by the judges who preside . It also gave updates on how these courts are currently operating in light of the pandemic . Attendees were reminded that the Civil Practice Act does not apply to Magistrate Court , and attorneys practicing in front of the court were encouraged to use its comprehensive website .
The final panel of day one was moderated by Dusty R . Otwell ( U . S . Acute Care Solutions ) and included panelists Allison C . Averbuch ( Hall Booth Smith , PC ) and Andrew K . Hazen ( Hall Booth Smith , PC ). The purpose of this panel was to provide general information on corporate formations , employee classifications , and contracts and leases . The panelists discussed that part of their job is to provide practical advice as well as legal advice . If you want to fire an employee , you should also consider whether firing that employee is a good idea . They also emphasized that if you fire someone , always tell that person why they are fired . The panelists warned that if you have an employee handbook , do not include policies in the handbook that you do not intend to follow .
The second half of the Atlanta Bar ’ s annual program of “ But You Said You ’ re a Lawyer !?” kicked off Wednesday , November 17 , 2021 , with an amazing group of panelists who offered genuine advice on how to provide basic representation to potential clients . If you could not attend day two of this program , here is a glimpse of what you missed :
Wills and Estate Planning
Jacquelyn H . Saylor ( The Saylor Law Firm LLP ) spearheaded the first session in the second half of BYSYAL included panelists Hamida Jackson-Little ( Law Offices of H . J . Little ) and Linda S . Pacer ( Pacer Law LLC ). The panelists provided attendees with an overview of various estate law issues a new or seasoned attorney may experience in the practice area . The panelists also spoke on the three main estate planning documents ( last will and testament , advance directive for healthcare , and general power of attorney ). Jackson-Little and Pacer provided attendees with some stellar practice tips , which included ( 1 ) encouraging conversation about end-of-life care , ( 2 ) sending the advance directive to your client for review before the actual signing , and ( 3 ) completing a POLST form to supplement the advance directive .
DUI Laws in Georgia
From what to do and things to avoid , this session covered all things DUI and was led by Benjamin B . Alper ( Alper Legal , PC ). Alper was joined by Erin H . Gerstenzang ( EHG Law Firm ) and D . Benjamin Sessions ( The Sessions Law Firm LLC ). Panelists discussed one of the most popular topics from clients : whether to submit to a field sobriety test or decline . Each panelist encouraged those who are ever in a situation to submit to such test especially when they know they have not had more than two beers . Gerstenzang and Sessions described this as your only get-out-off-jail free card because if you blow below the limit , you may not be arrested . However , if you

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decline , they will arrest you on suspicion of DUI . This generated a lot of discussion .
A Friend Received a Grievance … Now What ?
Kier A . Prince ( City of Atlanta ) moderated this session and was joined The by panelists Editorial Paula Board J . Frederick invites ( State you Bar of Georgia ), and Warren to submit R . Hinds your ( Warren article R . Hinds ideas , PC ). to In this conversationstyle panel be featured , attendees were in able the to next learn how issue the grievance process is handled of The , and Atlanta what to Lawyer do if they . ever Submit receive a grievance . It should be noted articles that the and grievance ideas investigation to process is handled in steps jcoleman . Respondents @ should atlantabar remain cooperative . org throughout the
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