The Atlanta Lawyer November 2018 | Page 23

former President of the State Bar of Georgia. The chapter entitled Executive Compensation (Chapter 107) was produced by Todd David and Lisa Bugni of Alston and Bird, and I must not overlook the King and spalding contributors -- Dan King and John Brumbaugh on Sanc- tions (Chapter 59), as well as Chil- ton Varner and Stephen Devereaux on Food and Drug (Chapter 112). I would have to say that Atlanta's Bar is well-represented among the outstanding contributors to these tomes. To sum it up: This is an extraordi- nary work in its scope and quality. These articles offer the trial lawyer a place to go to scout out the lay of the land, to review basic prin- ciples, or to provide legal context to a narrower problem, knowing she can do so with confidence that the information is from experienced practitioners and judges who know what they are talking about. Having litigated in the federal courts as a lawyer in business cases and having presided over and managed busi- ness and commercial litigation as a United States Magistrate Judge, I can attest that this is a work that I would want on the shelf in my library if I were a commercial liti- gator, and in the Court's library as well, readily accessible to the judges and law clerks dealing with these cases from the bench side. It prom- ises to be a work well-thumbed, even in this digital age, and defi- nitely well-worth having among your resources. Business and Commercial Liti- gation in Federal Courts (Fourth Edition), Robert L. Haig, Editor- in Chief, published by Thomson Reuters, in cooperation with the American Bar Association Litigation Section (2016). Fourteen hardcover volumes, two softcover volumes with Tables and Index, plus CD- ROM, $1811. http://store.Legal.Thomsonreuters. com/law-proucts/Treatises/Busi- ness-and-commercial-litigation- in-Federal-Courts-4th/p/104363759 A disability can happen to any one of us. While disabilities may be unexpected, they don’t have to be financially devastating. Disability insurance can help you protect your personal finances when you can’t work due to a covered disability. As a member of the Atlanta Bar Association, you qualify for competitive rates on disability insurance. Depending on your age, you may apply for disability insurance using a short-form application. Just answer a few medical questions. If we find no further medical information is needed upon review of your application, then you’re done. It’s as easy as that. 1 Don’t miss out on this important benefit offer. Apply now at or call 1-888-474-1959. 1 If answers to medical questions are unfavorable, then full underwriting may be required and coverage is subject to approval of insurer. Coverage may not be available in all states. Please contact your plan administrator for more information. Like most insurance policies, insurance policies offered by MetLife and its affiliates contain certain exclusions, exceptions, reductions, limitations, waiting periods and terms for keeping them in force. Please contact your plan administrator for costs and complete details. Insurance coverage is issued by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New York, NY 10166. © 2018 MetLife Services and Solutions, LLC L1018509441[exp1019][All States][DC,GU,MP,PR,VI] The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association THE ATLANTA LAWYER 23