on february 6, 2013, the criminal law section hosted a
luncheon at the law office of Jones Day. shown from left
to right are clarence harrison, member-at-large Jessica
Stern (Kish & Lietz PC) and aimee maxwell (Georgia
Innocence Project). harrison and maxwell spoke on “When
the innocent are convicted: professional and ethical pitfalls
for prosecutors and Defense attorneys.”
on february 8, 2013, the litigation section hosted a
breakfast at the colonnade restaurant. shown from left
to right are John J. “Jack” dalton (partner, Troutman
Sanders LLP) and section chair John r. (Jake)
bielema (Bryan Cave). Dalton spoke on “remarks on
professionalism: following the rules and Why Katherine
hepburn and tina fey Were Wrong!”
ThE aTLanTa LaWYEr
march 2013
on february 7, 2013, the real estate section hosted a
breakfast at the law office of Arnall, Golden Gregory LLP.
shown from left to right are section Vice-chair ricky
b. novak (Strategic 1031 Exchange Advisors), section
chair chuck van horn (Berman Fink Van Horn PC) and
Trey Webb (Bennett Thrasher PC). novak and Webb
spoke on “the effect of the taxpayer relief act of 2012
on commercial real estate: prepare for the return of
1031 exchanges.”
on february 12, 2013, the international law section hosted a
luncheon at gordon biersch. shown from left to right are vicki
Flier hudson (Speaker and Chief Collaboration Officer, Highroad
Global Services, Inc.) and section chair rahim dhanani (Dhanani
Law Firm, LLC). hudson spoke on “the impact of cross-cultural
Diversity on lawyers, clients and practice management.”
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association