The Atlanta Lawyer March 2013 | Page 23

board of directors the 2012-2013 board of Directors and section chairs: seated left to right: dawn m. Jones, member-at-large; Jacquelyn h. Saylor, secretary; harold E. Franklin, treasurer; margaret h. (maggie) vath, member-at-large; cindy a. brazell, chair of the business and finance section; Katherine adams-carter, chair of the sole practitioner/small firm section; Sarah r. Watchko, chair of the elder law section; and Jamila m. hall, chair of the criminal law section. standing left to right: Louis r. cohan, member-at-large; brian d. bodker, chair of the tax law section; William c. (cory) barker, chair of the labor and employment law section; James d. (Jim) blitch Iv, member-at-large; Lynn m. roberson, president; ryan K. Walsh, member-at-large; nicole G. Iannarone, president of the atlanta council of Younger lawyers; rita a. Sheffey, immediate past president and american bar association Delegate; Karen d. Fultz, member-at-large; charles van horn, chair of the real estate section, haley ann Schartz, chair of the public interest law section; John r. (Jake) bielema, chair of the litigation section. not photographed: Wade h. Watson III, Vice president/president-elect; Eric W. anderson, member-at-large; Jonathan E. hawkins, member-at-large; robert m. Lewis, Jr., member-at-large; Gregory T. presmanes, member-at-large; michael J. rust, member-at-large; Steven a. Wagner, member-at-large; marc a. rawls, Ex-Officio as Legal Counsel ; Elizabeth a. (Liz) price, Ex-Officio as President of the Atlanta Bar Foundation; Jennifer meir meyerowitz, chair of the bankruptcy law section; T. bart Gary, chair of the construction law section; michelle Edwards, chair of the corporate counsel section; brian pearce, chair of the criminal law section; Emory Speer mabry III, chair of the Dispute resolution section; Laura benz, chair of the environmental & toxic tort section; Loraine m. diSalvo, chair of the estate planning & probate section; david n. marple, chair of the family law section; virginia carron, chair of the intellectual property section; rahim dhanani, chair of the international transactions section; hon. cynthia Jeanne becker, chair of the Judicial section; melissa reading, chair of the Women in the profession section; and david h. White, chair of the Workers’ compensation section. The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association march 2013 ThE aTLanTa LaWYEr 23