The Atlanta Lawyer June/July 2023 Vol 22, No. 1 | Page 5

It ’ s important to remember that the Association is a voluntary association , and without each and every one of you it would cease to be great . Whether you are a judge , partner , young attorney , government official , in-house counsel , nonprofit representatives , or law school students , we are a team , each with an important role to play . So , as we enter this year ahead and celebrate this important milestone , it is my personal encouragement to each of you to lean into this great organization . There are so many opportunities to serve , from helping to organize a social event , to speaking on a panel , or taking a younger attorney under your wing for mentorship . If you don ’ t know where to begin , please come talk to me or any of our section leaders .
The goal of the Association is to maintain the honor and dignity of the profession and the law . We have done that for the last 134 years and will continue to do so in the future because our members are the best lawyers in the business . Let ’ s continue to build memories , milestones , and our community , in honor of the Association ’ s mission set forth so long ago .
I look forward to a great year ahead !
Amy B . Cheng Atlanta Bar Association President www . atlantabar . org THE ATLANTA LAWYER 5