section update
Atlanta Council of Younger Lawyers Section
By Eugenia Wooten Iredale
Fellows LaBriola LLP
[email protected]
e have exciting plans for the ACYL over the next
year and hope you will join us!
While we plan to continue many of our traditional activities
including the Associates’ Campaign, Beer & CLE, monthly
Happy Hours, and mentoring breakfasts, we also plan to offer
new events and join with other Sections and bar organizations
to offer learning, fellowship, and marketing opportunities.
Over the next year, we will offer events that teach young
lawyers how to be more effective advocates, how to market
and grow their practice, and how to balance work and life more
effectively. Not only will we focus on educational opportunities,
but we will also plan monthly Happy Hours that allow young
lawyers to market their practices in a relaxed and friendly
We are also planning events that will allow young attorneys to
give back to the community. For example, each year the ACYL
sponsors the Associates’ Campaign in which members are
asked to make a monetary contribution equal to the amount
they bill out for one hour of time to a beneficiary organization,
which is then used to provide pro bono legal services. This
campaign is a tangible way for young lawyers to help the
underprivileged and underserved.
Finally, I would like thank Kristin Zielmanski and the outgoing
Board of Directors for their service. Kristin and the Board
worked tirelessly on behalf of younger lawyers, planned
outstanding events, and led with grace and devotion. They
should each be commended for their efforts.
Please be on the lookout for additional information about these
events and the Associates’ Campaign via email and social
media. We look forward to serving you over the next year
and look forward to meeting you at future events! If you have
any suggestions or questions about ACYL events, please feel
free to contact me or any member of the Board of Directors.
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The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association