on thursday, May 26, 2011, the atlanta council of younger lawyers
(acyl) section hosted a year-end social at Nelson Mullins Riley &
Scarborough, LLP. shown from left to right are section outgoing
president steven A. Wagner (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission) and incoming section president Jonathan E.
Hawkins (Foltz Martin LLC).
on thursday, June 9, 2011, the corporate counsel section hosted
a cle program and social at the law offices of Bodker, Ramsey,
Andrews, Winograd & Wildstein. shown from left to right are The
Honorable Doris L. Downs (Superior Court of Fulton County),
section chair William M. osterbrock (Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell,
LLP) and immediate past section chair Karen Leach (The Paradies
Shops). Judge Downs, Brian Bodker, Joseph Freeman and
Lauren Fernandez staley spoke on “litigation tips and ethical
considerations for the corporate attorney, including a View from
the bench.”
Law Day 2011
Governor Nathan Deal signed the atlanta bar association’s 2011 law Day proclamation on May 2, 2011 at
the state capitol. shown from left to right are atlanta bar association president Michael B. Terry, Governor
Nathan Deal, fulton county superior court Chief Judge Cynthia D. Wright, and atlanta bar association law
Day committee chair W. Clay Massey.
June/July 2011
the official news publication of the atlanta bar association