The Atlanta Lawyer June/July 2011 | Page 27

Gatherings on thursday, May 12, 2011, the labor & employment law section hosted a luncheon at the capital city club. shown from left to right are section chair Mary M. (Peggy) Brockington (Strickland Brockington Lewis, LLP) and The Honorable Russell G. vineyard (Magistrate Judge, US District Court, Northern District of Georgia). Judge Vineyard spoke on “View from the bench.” on thursday, May 19, 2011, the sole practitioner/small firm section hosted a luncheon at Gordon biersch. shown from left to right are section Vice chair/chair-elect David M. Lilenfeld (Lilenfeld PC) and section chair scott E. Atwood (Stout Atwood LLC). the official news publication of the atlanta bar association on wednesday, May 18, 2011, the construction law section hosted a social at sky bar at strip. shown from left to right are section chair Neal J. sweeney (Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP) and section Vice chair/chair-elect Danielle J. Cole (Burr & Forman, LLP). on thursday, May 26, 2011, the atlanta council of younger lawyers (acyl) section hosted a year-end social at Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, LLP. shown from left to right are outgoing section president steven A. Wagner (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) and section treasurer Kristin N. Zielmanski (Berman Fink Van Horn P.C.). Zielmanski was presented with the Kerry harike Joedecke atlanta young lawyer of the year award. June/July 2011 THE ATLANTA LAWYER 27