The Atlanta Lawyer June/July 2011 | Page 17

11th Annual T H E LEGAL RunARound 5K race, walk, and tot trot Saturday, september 10, 2011 Main Pavilion,Piedmont Park 7:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Registration begins at 7:30a.m. and is $18 if received by September 1; $25 if received after September 1. Visit to register. sponsored by Alston + Bird • King & Spalding Fellows LaBriola Hawkins & Parnell • Parker Hudson Rainer & Dobbs • Atlanta Bar Association Bankruptcy Law Section Bondurant, Mixon & Elmore, LLP • Atlanta Bar Association Construction Law Section • Gaddis Lanier, LLC Hunton & Williams LLP • Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP • Atlanta Bar Association Real Estate Section Shapiro Fussell Wedge & Martin LLP • Womble Carlyle Sandrige & Rice, PLLC Name __________________________________________________________________ Age ________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________________ Pets and strollers are welcomed City ______________________________________________ State _________ Zip _________________________ Phone _____________________________ E-mail ___________________________________________________ Law Firm/Company_____________________________________________________________________________  5K  Male  1-Mile Run/Walk  Female  Tot Trot T-Shirt Size:  Small  Med  Lg  XL For Phantom Runners: I am unable to participate, but have enclosed a donation of $ __________ Payment ($15 if received by Sept.1; $20 after Sept.1):  Check  Visa  AMEX  Mastercard Card # __________________________________________________Exp. __________________ Signature ______________________________________________________CVV/CVC ______________ mail completed form to: 229 Peachtree Street, Suite 400, Atlanta, GA 30303, or fax to (404) 522-0269 the official news publication of the atlanta bar association June/Jul